Universal primary education has a knock-on effect
An article about education in Mali on IRIN NEWS shows that the push for universal primary education has a knock-on effect on secondary education. Some countries that succeed in increasing primary school enrolment are being overwhelmed at the secondary and higher levels
Mali : Critique of World Bank involvement in Primary Education Impact of World Bank education assistance in Mali from 1990-2005 Mali : EDC Awarded Contract for Major Education Reform Africa Education Mali : Community Schools Facilitating Education in MaliBAMAKO, 6 February 2009 (IRIN) – As Mali’s government makes strides toward the Millennium Development Goal of primary education for all by 2015, increased school enrolment and the resulting shortage of teachers and classroom space have blocked a growing number of students from secondary education.
In 2008, some 17,000 students out of more than 80,000 who passed their secondary school exams, known as the diplôme d’étude fondamentale (DEF), were not admitted to secondary schools, according to the Ministry of Education.
About 40 percent of the group is female.