IMF reports for South Africa 2009
IMF Survey: Sound Policies Shield South Africa from Worst of Recession
Sound macroeconomic policies have helped cushion the impact of South Africa’s first recession since 1992, the IMF says. In its regular assessment of South Africa’s economy, the IMF stresses the importance of progress on structural reforms to remove long-standing barriers to growth and employment.
Working Paper No. 09/196: The Derivatives Market in South Africa: Lessons for sub-Saharan African Countries
Author/Editor: Adelegan, Olatundun Janet
Summary: This paper examines the role of the derivatives market in South Africa and provides policy options for promoting the development of derivatives markets in sub-Saharan Africa. South Africa’s derivatives market has grown rapidly in recent years, supporting capital inflows and helping market participants to price, unbundle and transfer risk. There are tight regulations on asset allocations by insurance and pension funds to prevent excessive risk taking. The development of derivatives markets in sub-Saharan African countries could enable market participants to self-insure against volatile capital flows. Theiroverdependence on bank credit as a source of funding could be reduced and their management of seasonal risk could be improved through the introduction of commodity futures. However, these markets must be appropriately regulated and supervised. Since such markets would likely be small, consideration should be given to the establishment of a regional derivatives market.
Country Report No. 09/273: South Africa: 2009 Article IV Consultation – Staff Report; Staff Statement and Supplement; Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for South Africa
Country Report No. 09/273: South Africa: 2009 Article IV Consultation – Staff Report; Staff Statement and Supplement; Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for South Africa
Country Report No. 09/276: South Africa: Selected Issues
Public Information Notice: IMF Concludes 2009 Article IV Consultation with South Africa
Working Paper No. 09/25: Why Isn’t South Africa Growing Faster? A Comparative Approach
Author/Editor: Eyraud, Luc
Summary: The purpose of this paper is to examine factors that have constrained South Africa’s growth since the end of apartheid by comparing its GDP components and its saving and investment performance with those of 10 faster-growing countries. The study finds that sluggish investment has undermined growth since 1996 and that the underinvestment is in part explained by limited saving. Thus, over the last decade, interactions between investment, saving, and production may have perpetuated slow growth in South Africa.
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