Dakar Declaration on the establishment of the Forum Procultura 16


We, officers and directors of culture of the public sector of the ECOWAS States and Mauritania, meeting in Dakar, Senegal, on the occasion of the Training Seminar on “Local cultural policies and the development of creative and cultural industries in West Africa’ held from 7 to 11 December 2009 by the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development (AECID) in the framework of the Program ACERCA (Program of Capacity Building in the Cultural Sector) and the Observatory of Cultural Policies in Africa ( OCPA) and in collaboration with the West African Museums Program (WAMP) and the Senegalese National Commission for UNESCO


  • The Universal Declaration of UNESCO on Cultural Diversity
  • The Charter of the African Cultural Renaissance of the African Union
  • The Regional Cultural Plan of Action of the ECOWAS

Conscious about

  • The richness of African cultural heritage and diversity
  • The role of culture for sustainable development
  • The need to professionalize state actors in charge of cultural development
  • The rapid development of environment and the systems and instruments of national and local cultural policies;

Convinced of the tremendous potential of Africa and its ability to develop an economy based on creative and cultural industries;

Have agreed to create a framework for concertation, exchange, information and training named “Forum Procultura 16”.

Give mandate to the participants present of Côte d’Ivoire, Mauritania, Niger and Senegal to prepare the organization in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, the First Sub-Regional Meeting of Cultural Managers and Administrators of West Africa.

Done in Dakar, December 11, 2009


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